Restaurant Roundup 2021

/ Updated on January 14, 2022

Check out my annual Restaurant Roundup column from Friday's Cape Gazette.


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  1. Avatar Tom Schwab says:

    As always fantastic review of a very difficult year in Rehoboth Beach. You incorporated a lot of information in a tight space. Rehoboth Beach has been a wonderful place for the restaurant experience for many years. Hopefully the entrepreneurs will continue to give it a go.

  2. Avatar AB says:

    Thanks for the great recap, but just wanted to clarify one point. The statement that “Leo Cabrera’s Modern Mixture became yet another casualty of the craziness” is actually incorrect. He left the area with his partner, who was recruited to become a senior administrator at one of the largest hospital systems in Pennsylvania. We wish Leo well as he takes his culinary talents to the Keystone State!

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