I'm not sure how I stumbled upon your site, but I've really enjoyed reading your reviews, especially the ones of my favorite RB restaurants. I visit Rehoboth about once a month and stick pretty close to my favorite restaurants, just by force of habit. I've had way too much time on my hands lately and have now read virtually every review here. Now I have a few places I'd like to check out! Thanks for a fun and informative site.
I’ve read every review…
- Atlantic Social Rebrands
- Wheels for Meals
- IVY OUT, Condos IN
- The NEW Federal Beverage
- Smokin’ D’z MOVING
- Louie’s opens 2/1!
- On the Radio Last Week…
- What’s Traffic Like?
- OWB Expanding westward
- Starboard “outside” Permanent
- Two resort towns with lotsa bars!
- New Owners: Purple Parrot
- Palm Beach Bar & Grill OPEN
- Taco Reho Middletown CLOSED
- Five Guys OUT
- Did you miss a show?
- Arena’s Cafe on Rt. 1 closed
- Revisiting Cafe Azafran in RB
- A Peek at Confucius!
- Carlton’s OUT, Sierra Moon IN
- Fenwick DQ OUT – Bagels IN
- 1st State Brewing in RB
- Theo’s, Avas & Hammy’s Oh my!
- Just in Thyme closes
- Red Square: The Truth!
- The NEW Abbott’s Milton
- Preshy’s OUT, Midway Cafe IN
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