Why did you delete my negative comment on your Facebook page?

/ August 2, 2017

My Facebook page is there to inform my FB friends/followers of restaurant news, and to help drive visits to RehobothFoodie.com. My Facebook page is not the forum for negative opinions. The place for that is RehobothFoodie.com (at the bottom of each restaurant review is a button that says “Post your Comment” Have at it!).

I cordially invite you – in fact, I encourage you – to post any and all comments, negative AND positive (except ones that complain only of menu prices!) – on the appropriate review article at RehobothFoodie.com. That IS the forum for restaurant commentary.

Sadly, I regularly receive inappropriate posts that are almost surely posted by competing restaurants or friends/family of restaurant owners. I've gotten pretty good at recognizing that; a comment with high praise for an obviously mediocre restaurant – or a comment with almost hysterical condemnation of a good or very popular restaurant; all of these are suspect. If you write one of those – or harp on price and only price, it might not be posted. I invite you to curb your enthusiasm and try again.

I love the posts, but they need to be as accurate and objective as possible.

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