Nick and Joan Caggiano's colorful eatery has moved out of Rehoboth Beach and has reopened on Coastal Highway across from Grotto Grand Slam in Lewes at 17323 Ocean One Plz, Lewes, DE 19958. The new facility is cleverly modeled after the longtime downtown tradition. I have left the original article for reference, but a new one is on the way!
It's hard to believe that the original article about Nicolas was written and posted on December 19, 2009! The big seller at this pizza joint continues to be the Nic-O-Boli; Nicola's version of the stromboli. It's basically a pizza, filled with all sorts of stuff and then folded over onto itself, sealed and baked. Though their regular pizza is good, the Nic-O-Boli is certainly the star of the show. Heck, you can even buy them frozen!
I very much respect the Caggiano family for their amazing concept and longevity! And all the basics are there at Nicola Pizza, including baked Ziti with good-tasting meatballs, and sandwiches with chicken parm, meatball, tuna, sausage and hot roast beef. Generously portioned, they are guaranteed to fill you up. My favorite is the white pizza with pepperoni. (I'm not a fan of their red sauce, but that's just me. A lot of people like it.) I ask for the white pizza a little well-done so the top darkens a bit and the crust is a little crisper (what's better than a little burnt cheese?). I also like the “Red Devil Pizza” made with a spicy hot marinara. It reminds me of the standard sauce at Chicho's Pizza in Virginia Beach.
Wanna make your guests think you've been slavin' over the stove all day? Pick up Nicola's meatballs, ziti and ‘bolis in quantity to take home. Transfer to your own pots, turn on the food channel, splatter a little sauce on that big blousy schmata, wave your big spoon, and tell 'em it's yours. I don't think Nick and Joan will mind a bit. These are nice people and they will understand.
Regarding their “health” claims, don't go to Nicola's because you think you're going to get skinny on their (or any other pizza parlor's) food. Go there because of the festive, resort atmosphere, the reasonable prices and the consistent product. They have built an empire here in Rehoboth Beach and don't need vapid health claims to convince people that it's good.
The new Rehoboth Ave. Nicola Pizza has been open for a while now. And it is certainly the place to see and be seen. The old one is still there (cool electric train ‘n' all), but the new installation features a big and inviting slice window right there on the sidewalk in the event you need a slice so badly that you can't drag yourself inside. If you do make it in, there's a big friendly bar and lots of seating. It's noisy (no surprise) and very “beachy.” But that's why you're here, right? Order another 16 mile Old Court.
They also have a busy carryout business, so call them at 302-227-6211 to check their hours. They no longer offer delivery service. (Delaware lifeguards, take note: They have a generous 15% year 'round discount for eat-in meals! Just show your lifeguard ID card.)
The original location was at 8 N. First St., next to Lily Thai. It will be taken over by Bethany Blues Express. The Nicola's on Rehoboth Avenue will soon be Tiki Jac's of the Zogg's/Wheelhouse/Bushels/Sea Hogg group.
Nicola’s was a disappointment today. We went to Nicola’s for early dinner.
Our waitress was lovely. The pizza was good but undercooked. All the cheese slid off the pizza. We worked with the pizza and that didn’t warrant a complaint.
Here is the rub, the bar manager must have known the couple behind our table and plopped herself down and talked so loud that I could not hear anything but her.
I can tell you just everything about the bar manager as she continued most of her conversation without a breath. Loud enough that my conversation was drowned out. That was about 20 minutes. It wasn’t until she returned and continued her loud conversation I asked our waitress if the woman behind us worked there. The waitress said she was the bar manager. I turned to the bar manager and asked her to lower her voice.
She replied that was her voice and continued on. We paid our check and left. There was a hostess sitting outside and I asked if there was another manager. The hostess said she was with a private party and she would get her card.
Kelly Munyan Small came out. No smile, no concern and very defensive. I told her what happened and her response was condescending and dismissive. Here are her responses.
– When I said I thought the bar manager went out for a smoke she focused on the fact that the bar manager didn’t smoke and asked why I would say she smoked. My response was I saw her light a cigarette and take a puff. Who really cares. I’m not the smoking police but Kelly was hell bent on making that an issue.
– I told Kelly how loud it was in there and she said it is part of the job to mingle with the customer. Shouldn’t everyone be having a good experience including us? Should the bar manager have mingled with other patrons.
– Kelly was combative and did not listen.
– When asked if Nick or Nick junior were there as I often see them she said Nick was in Florida and Nick Jr. was in South Carolina and I would have to take it up with them. She was in charge and very unconcerned with my complaints. I made a comment about listening and learning and I hoped that they had not become too big to not be concerned. Kelly’s response was I am the niece and my aunt and uncle have worked hard to make this place what it is. I appreciate Kelly having Nick and Nicola’s back. I can imagine how hard they have worked and sacrificed. I have a loyalty to the Nicola’s pizza. I can only suggest Kelly walk in her Aunt and Uncles footsteps and protect the legacy. I guess it is true that when the cats away the mice will play.
– I got a have a “nice day” from one customer sitting with the bar manager. That is only after they muttered how rude I was for asking them to lower their voices. The bar manager did nothing to right the situation she still was sitting taking loud until we paid and left.
I know the world has changed in the last few years however, common courtesy, engagement and a smile go along way. Non of that was shown to me today by the management.
I actually meant to comment on this a couple years ago when I first read this but here is where I (respectfully!) disagree with you Sir; I adore and prefer the “classic” location, which may be a nostalgia bias but there’s something that implies “warmth” in regards to the lighting, the tone of the place, etc.- the visual aesthetic, the ‘classic’ feel, really goes a long way with me. Of course, at the time of writing this comment (August 2021), Nicola will be leaving Rehoboth soon! I’m told they’ll be transferring all the classic seating and lights, though… *and* the train.
I was wondering if the NicOBoli’s being gluten free contributes to their crust being as crispy as they are. I don’t have an issue with gluten but do like crispy crust and would love to be able to make a crust that crispy when I am out of my case of NicOBolis (I live 150 miles away).
This Author knows nothing about Gluten sensitivity. My entire family are gluten sensitive. My nephew has celiac. Gluten sensitivity is far more prevalent and damaging then this guy lets on. I am grateful that paces are starting to offer options. As the data comes in, it leads more and more to gluten issues especially since wheat was modified in the fifties.
Thanks for your note, John. I assume you are making reference to my article The Truth about Gluten. Had you actually read the article all the way through, you would have known that the article expresses great concern for those who ACTUALLY suffer from celiacs, or early-onset celiacs, aka, “gluten sensitivity.” The point of the article is that there are so many poseurs out there who have chosen to be gluten free for no other reason than to hear themselves say it. This has resulted in many restaurateurs and chefs relaxing the stringent gluten-free food-prep requirements that must be followed to keep celiac sufferers from getting sick. As far as my “knowing nothing” about celiacs, all of the information in my article comes from actual and current scientific studies; not hearsay, popular magazines or “studies” (and there are many) conducted by big food manufacturers that have millions invested in their gluten free products.
I am planning a trip soon to Rehoboth and looked at your review of Nicola Pizza. I do not appreciate you being so rude and crass about them having a gluten free option on their menu. Unfortunately, I do have celiac disease and I appreciate it when a restaurant goes out of their way to provide SOMETHING for me to eat. So many places do nothing to accommodate those of us that suffer with allergies and diseases and I usually can find nothing to eat. I enjoy going out from time to time and if nasty people like you make ignorant comments like you did, establishments might actually listen to your foolishness and stop providing the one item on their menu that does not harm me. Please do not speak about food items that do not concern you and focus on the items that do.
It was not my intention to be rude and crass. As a food writer, I do however share most chefs’ attitudes that people who are NOT celiacs should not be making a big deal about ordering gluten free.
It is unfair to celiac sufferers such as yourself, because there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that eating gluten free is more healthy – UNLESS you suffer from celiac disease.
Sadly, this trend of ordering gluten free for no reason has created problems for celiacs such as yourself, because many kitchens will hype the fact that they use “gluten free ingredients,” but will not prepare the foods in areas that are gluten free. So the food is contaminated with gluten and TRUE celiacs who are sensitive to that wheat protein can be made sick or at least uncomfortable. By the way, I have no idea if Nicola’s does that or not, so please don’t read that into my statements.
I’m on your side: Let’s provide TRUE gluten free items, made at certified gluten free prep stations, for the people who ACTUALLY suffer from celiacs, and not just the poseurs who cheapen the issue for everyone.